Re: [SLE] Re: GNOME vs KDE Redoux
On Saturday 06 May 2006 07:05 pm, Doug McGarrett wrote:
Towards that end - I'd say KDE, GNOME and SUSE have all done a great job in attempting to reach the goal. I think we all have benefited by the "competition" between the major desktops in the world, KDE, Macintosh, Gnome and - to some extent - Windows.
There really isn't anything wrong with Windows (XP) except the tight control M/S has over it, and its desire to make bunches of money. Anyone who uses it would have to admit that it does the job very well, and it runs most routines much faster than SuSE.
<snip> That is an interesting point and one with which I would completely disagree. In fact, it was the pathetic "downgrade" from Win2K to XP that caused me to jump ship over to Linux, in spite of some serious pain. I'm right now evaluating Vista on a VM Session to see if it at all "won't suck" or if it is just another dressed up version of WinNT.,1697,1931945,00.asp Windows XP lacks in so many ways. Also, I have it found it to "slower" than SUSE 9.3 or later. (Yes, I think 9.1 and 9.2 were considerably slower on the same machine at performing launching and setup tasks.) The UI is very weak. In fact, I agree with those who've dubbed it Windows "FP" for Fischer-Price. (When I have to use it at work, I use the "classic" view.) XP also makes tasks harder. What once was easy (on Win2K) is now more cumbersome. This is especially true in terms of machine setup and system tweaking. Finally, let's not forget the fact that XP still uses drive letters. What is this 1980? :P Here's a copy of an article I found on Tux magazine on why not to use windows. I realize this is bordering on COLA material but it is worth spreading the word: -- k
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