. On this auspicious new-release occasion, I'd like to note the SAFEST way to finish your disk. All modern diskdrives have automatic error-checking, and in some cases -correction. And NO modern disk drives are low-level formatted at the factory. (Just LISTEN to me) There is a bit that can be set that does block-integrity checking during the period of the FIRST TEN POWER-CYCLES of the drive. After that there is no block-checking, believe it or not. If you do NOT fill up that drive within the first ten power-cycles you will likely have intermittant, unexplained corruptions. This is true whether you run Winduds, Linux, whatever. The moral is to go to your disk manufacturer's website, download their lowlevel format utility, and polish that disk. If you want, you can also set that bit on all the time, though it could impede performance. THEN install that shiny new 8. This post is intended to HELP people, not stimulate flames. :)~