On Thursday 30 January 2003 08:59 pm, Curtis Rey wrote: -----------snip-------------
It sound more like a dog and pony show, wherein Mr. Robertsons is trying to promote his corporate visions for Linux on Lindows. If he's not careful he may very well alienate any consituents he's trying to gain. And this could very well rub off negatively for those that get involved.
I don't think Mr Robertson cares to much about the "Linux Community" or even expects to gain much market share from current linux users (Most current linux users don't need what he is selling). His goal is to make alot of money and there is alot of money to be made converting the less knowledgable of the winders camp to a simple (looking) solution. All he wants to do is show how simple his point and click software is in relation to what else is available. -- dh Don't shop at GoogleGear.com!