Desktop Linux Event Continues to Lose Support

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I think SuSE SHOULD pull out, as well as SUN. This type of corp. manipulation has NO place in the Linux community. Fred - -- If you listen on a quiet nite you, can hear the sound of a Windows 2000 Server reboot. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) iD4DBQE+OcNUrnzt99/TR+cRAnOTAJUQZjpwSq+kdnNWADTwotCgLb44AJsHxVqT wnBpqdj8tyn0vbfvnMbJ+Q== =oRgT -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On January 30, 2003 07:29 pm, Fred A. Miller wrote:
I think SuSE SHOULD pull out, as well as SUN. This type of corp. manipulation has NO place in the Linux community.
I second that. Charles -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE+Ocmh3epPyyKbwPYRAvL6AKCRToi0MQq4Hb6ZEMTqkkIEq3+4vACfT6MS dyHy+sFvGbw5ulXVZ9lRSek= =eycf -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Sounds like Mr. Robertson has decided that this event should be a quasi-Lindows press conference. I think however at the rate things are going that it very well may backfire on him. This is not good for the linux community as a whole and Lindows subversive tactics should be isolated. Let him try to run a Desktop convention as the only vender outside of the ancillary companies that maybe involved. I think that large and more reputable companies like SuSE and Sun would profit better by obstaining from the convention. I have the feeling that Lindows is trying to ride the coattails of the major vendors in order to gain credibility. It sound more like a dog and pony show, wherein Mr. Robertsons is trying to promote his corporate visions for Linux on Lindows. If he's not careful he may very well alienate any consituents he's trying to gain. And this could very well rub off negatively for those that get involved. Just MHO. Curtis. On Thursday 30 January 2003 18:29, Fred A. Miller wrote:
I think SuSE SHOULD pull out, as well as SUN. This type of corp. manipulation has NO place in the Linux community.
- -- If you listen on a quiet nite you, can hear the sound of a Windows 2000 Server reboot. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
iD4DBQE+OcNUrnzt99/TR+cRAnOTAJUQZjpwSq+kdnNWADTwotCgLb44AJsHxVqT wnBpqdj8tyn0vbfvnMbJ+Q== =oRgT -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
-- The reasons behind the DMCA, TCPA, and Palladium that are presented to the public are only secondary to their real purpose. That is to lock in markets, stiffle competition and pidgeon hole consumers from any viable alternatives that the sponsers see as competitive and a threat to their market shares and business models.

On Thursday 30 January 2003 08:59 pm, Curtis Rey wrote: -----------snip-------------
It sound more like a dog and pony show, wherein Mr. Robertsons is trying to promote his corporate visions for Linux on Lindows. If he's not careful he may very well alienate any consituents he's trying to gain. And this could very well rub off negatively for those that get involved.
I don't think Mr Robertson cares to much about the "Linux Community" or even expects to gain much market share from current linux users (Most current linux users don't need what he is selling). His goal is to make alot of money and there is alot of money to be made converting the less knowledgable of the winders camp to a simple (looking) solution. All he wants to do is show how simple his point and click software is in relation to what else is available. -- dh Don't shop at!

On Friday 31 January 2003 12:29 am, Fred A. Miller wrote:
I think SuSE SHOULD pull out, as well as SUN. This type of corp. manipulation has NO place in the Linux community.
Certainly it is very plain that Lindows is in this only for Lindows, but that isn't a hanging offence. Lindows has various shortcomings, such that I would not recommend it to anyone, but on the other hand you can upgrade it via apt into a standard Debian install, so you could say that they have left some room for the new user to grow, and they are trying their utmost to make it an easy transfer from Windows in the meantime. Whatever any of us think of Robertson and Lindows, he does need to be given credit for raising the profile of Linux on the desktop: the spat with MS, the first preloaded Linuxdesktops, the new home media centre. To be fair to him, the guy knows how to get column inches. I therefore don't see why SuSE shouldn't be at this show. Sure, it's now clear it's a Lindows shopwindow, but let's face it, no existing SuSE user is going to use Lindows, and I don't see Lindows as a threat in the corporate market :-) The show is aimed at a new segment of the market, and if SuSE can pick up some of that, so much the better. The way Lindows turned the show programme around was pretty crass, but they were paying a lot towards it weren't they, and who had the idea in the first place? IMHO, some of the other planned exhibitors may have let their pride obscure the wider objective of putting Linux in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Kevin

On Friday 31 January 2003 4:23 pm, Kevin Donnelly wrote:
On Friday 31 January 2003 12:29 am, Fred A. Miller wrote:
I think SuSE SHOULD pull out, as well as SUN. This type of corp. manipulation has NO place in the Linux community. [...] I therefore don't see why SuSE shouldn't be at this show. Sure, it's now clear it's a Lindows shopwindow, [...] The way Lindows turned the show programme around was pretty crass, but they were paying a lot towards it weren't they, and who had the idea in the first place? IMHO, some of the other planned exhibitors may have let their pride obscure the wider objective of putting Linux in front of as many eyeballs as possible.
This is making great fodder for conspiracy/counter-conspiracy theories -- he gets this thing all hyped up, gets lots of "names" to support it, waits for the event to sell out [which it reportadly has] then "pulls the fast one" to get the "competition" [in his viewpoint] to pull out -- end result, a sold-out, inexpensively-hyped show with him as the only "vendor" Meanwhile, the linux community divides itself -- they've been had, their mad, but it is still "getting linux in front of new faces". This whole thing may backfire on him, or it may work out wonderfully [again, for him...] or it may mega-backfire and microsoft gets to use this as a "reason" not to switch to linux... [that would be, umm, "bad" :( ]
participants (6)
Charles Philip Chan
Curtis Rey
David Herman
Fred A. Miller
Kevin Donnelly
Tom Emerson