On Sat, 2012-07-07 at 07:30 +0100, ianseeks wrote:
what would the point be of the list manager converting it?
Avoiding those who do default to html from thinking their post is sent, and 5 hours later getting a bounce back, then having to resend it.
More to the point, why would you want to have HTML emails other than to send spam advertising, attempts at hacking your system, having pretty pictures displayed in a software issues mailing list? I'm at a loss to see why you'd want HTML active in a mailing list.
It has it's advantages in business, and yes, personal email, you don't have to like it, you have the right to filter out all html email if you so desire, just others have the right to use and accept it, rightly or wrongly (and yes 20 years ago it was WRONG, but, times change), It's used by vast majority of people these days, suck it up and get used to it or write a filter so you don't see it, milter-regex is also awesome for that for your MTA. ... reject "HTML not accepted, please resend in plain text" header /^Content-type$/i ,^text/html,i body ,^Content-type: text/html,i ... your problem is then solved.
Noel (Who for nearly two decades was anal about html posters - but know even I accept it is a reality and don't care - unless you send to our helpdesk/abusedesk blah blah then we enforce text)