The Friday 2005-04-01 at 22:21 +0200, steve wrote:
I'm using (unfortunately)
Why? ;-)
Why wanadoo or why unfortunately?
The second :-)
We install dual boot systems for old ladies down here who are fed up with norton, panda. . . and having their XP box go off road three times a year.
Interesting :-)
Wanadoo offer linux installation help on their site. But they don't support linux. So we get called back to fix it when they don't know what to put where.
Ah... I see. Well, none really support publicly (as far as I know) Linux, even though some do use Linux internally (that I do know first hand). The thing is that the support personnel at the call centers are hired with a specific curriculum and are given a strict set of rules, like "we don't support Linux". A friend of mine at one of those call centers only supported it while the supervisor was not looking and there were no more calls waiting - ie, early hours. The feeling he got was that the Linux user was more knowledgeable, and only wanted data, not hand-holding.
Does anyone have a modem working reliably with any ISP in Spain?
Mmmm.... define reliably :-p
A 9.2 YOU update from a new installation today will not complete with dialup. Downloading the new openoffice beta even with ftp takes several attempts and then the MD5's don't check. Get a 'phone call and the line drops. . . Tarifa plana 24 horas simply is not that. But OK, it's only 18 Euros mes.
Ah, if even the phone call fails, then there is no way the modem works "reliably". No way! Who does that phone line belongs to? Or, being Spain, who writes the receipt, who gets paid? They are responsible. That's a reason why I will never switch telephone company with the redirection system, I stay with old Telefónica. I don't like them much, but the lines are theirs, not hired from somebody else. A cable company, that's different: say Ono, for example, they own their lines. So... your kind of reliability. My phone line belongs to Telefónica - that's your first problem, line quality. I use as providers Teleline (old Terra) and Tiscali. Previously I had another private one, now extinct. Terra is a bit faster, but has its own problems (like higher number of port scans). Tiscali has better mailboxes and services in general, but some times it doesn't work at all, or in part. Speed is a little bit slower, and I have my educated guesses about it (the access router, equivalent to the modem, I'm 95% sure will not be on my home town). But I don't have problems with download, I can get continuous speed around 5-6 kbytes... with SuSE 7.3. With 9.1, around 1-2 kb only. Old story.
No provider is fully reliable here. Dragonet in Alfaz del Pi with its fc2 server is the most reliable I've found so far.
Never heard of them, must be a small provider.
Maybe I should join the Spanish list and ask there. Is it as active as this one?
You should, certainly, yours is a local question. It is quite active, but we are less people, and more "easy going", I think. :-) -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson