Carlos E. R. composed on 2021-09-30 09:34 (UTC+0200):
Felix Miata wrote:
Carlos E. R. composed on 2021-09-25 12:21 (UTC+0200):
Felix Miata wrote:
Andrei Borzenkov composed on 2021-09-25 08:52 (UTC+0300):
You should never use "zypper up" with Tumbleweed
Care to elaborate on why the harsh term "never"?
Andrei is absolutely right, you should *never* use "zypper up" with Tumbleweed.
I missed the OP was doing that or I would have said the same.
My experience proves otherwise.
You are using "up" followed by a "dup". The problems caused by the "up" in your case are cured by the subsequent "dup", so you don't see them. Normally.
For example, an "up" may not update a package because the versions it sees as newer are lower. The "dup" does the correct thing, which is downgrade the package silently. If this does not happens, the installation breaks. On other cases, the package is gone and zypper dup deletes it, which is the action expected and designed for by the opensuse devs and packagers.
None of that justifies the descriptor "*never*". In my considerable years of using both as described, nothing breaks by using up followed at some point by dup. Using only up simply leaves an upgrade incomplete. So the right way to describe use of zypper is that only dup can complete an upgrade. That only dup can finish the job is not a reason to say never use up. -- Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion, based on faith, not based on science. Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks! Felix Miata