On 3/21/2010 8:23 AM, Tejas Guruswamy wrote:
On 21/03/10 01:54, Marc Chamberlin wrote:
Thanks Will, Tejas for your help, but I am still not out of the woods yet. I found and installed the projectM-pulseaudio package. I can now bring up the projectM visualization but it is clearly not responding to any sound output from Amarok yet. It seems to generate patterns ok but not in sync to either volume or freq as I would expect. So something is still missing...
Probably amarok is playing directly to alsa and not through pulseaudio, because it hasn't been set up yet.
I followed as best I could, the instructions at http://en.opensuse.org/PulseAudio to try and set up KDE to use the PulseAudio sound layer. All the packages that are mentioned are installed on my system, but only the pavucontrol seems to work. All the other tools mentioned seem to complain about not being able to connect to a server.. I got no clue as to how to start a PulseAudio server either...
How far did you get on following the instructions? Specifically did you get to running setup-pulseaudio --enable ?
The web page at http://en.opensuse.org/Sound-concepts referred me to another page - http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup#ALSAApplications but the instructions there for configuring and setting up PulseAudio do not seem to apply to a SuSE environment. They, for example, refer to some configuration files - /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc neither of which exists. I decided against trying anything else until I could get some further advice. Also Amarok has changed from what is described on that page so I am not sure any of that information is still apropos to what I am trying to accomplish in SuSE11.2...
This should be taken care of by setup-pulseaudio.
BTW in Amarok if I try to configure Phonon under the Configure Playback -> Sound System Configuration Amarok immediately crashes on me....
Sounds like a mismatch in package versions, what phonon backend are you using? Send the output of rpm -qa | grep phonon
Regards, Tejas
Thanks again Tejas for your help... I did run setup-pulseaudio --enable though I did not save the output from it. Perhaps I could run it again if that will help? Here is the output from the rpm query you requested - marc@nova:~> rpm -qa | grep phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer-0_10-4.3.1-3.3.x86_64 libphonon4-4.3.1-3.3.x86_64 phonon-4.3.1-3.3.x86_64 phonon-backend-xine-4.3.1-3.3.x86_64 Marc..