Achso..... OK... than I conclude that I should kill the hungry process. I will detect the hungry process with "top". Thanks alot. --- Jose Thadeu Cavalcante <thadeurj@terra.com.br> wrote:
On Thursday 27 February 2003 10:21, Prabu Subroto wrote:
Dear my friends....
I wonder why my SuSE Linux 8.1 becomes very slow sometimes. It becomes slow if my harddisk suddenly being busy because of an unknown process. I guess because fsck but I am not sure.
What is the unknown process actually? And how can I stop /cease it ?
Thank you very much in advance. When this happens with me I go KDE System Guard and look if some application that I close appears in the list, if so I kill it. Usually this make SuSE return to normal speed. Particularly, is usual happen after I exit from kylix3.
-- Jose Thadeu Cavalcante thadeurj@terra.com.br
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