* Bruce Marshall (bmarsh@bmarsh.com) [021226 15:19]: ::On Thursday 26 December 2002 18:07 pm, Ben Rosenberg wrote: :: ::<goodstuff snipped> :: ::> It's not a failing of CUPS..but the failing of the various camps that ::> produce GUI applications in the UNIX/Linux world. It's getting better ::> but it can be a painful growth for some people. :: ::But whatever happened to the idea that the 'printing situation' should be ::totally independent of the application... and .PS files were a good ::means of keeping things separate. Then let the print server (aka LPRng ::or whatever) handle the translations of .PS into whatever is needed for ::the particular printer. :: ::I really, really don't like the idea of having to diddle with all kinds ::of apps just so they play nice with CUPs... I thought CUPs was better ::than that.. CUPS is just fine and is a very good system. KDE interfaces with it to control KDE applications and Gnome interfaces with it to control Gnome/GTK based applications. As I said in the other email. This isn't a failing of CUPS, but a failing of those who work on GUI desktops and their applications under Linux/UNIX. If Gnome and KDE had better bridges between them then this wouldn't occur. So again it's not a failing of CUPS but of the GUI interfaces. It's how these top level applications interface with the printing system that makes the difference. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I'll tell you what you should see.