On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 09:33:33AM +0200, Silviu Marin-Caea wrote:
Allen wrote:
Lots of Open Source projects aren't on the SUSE payroll, they get by.
If SUSE stops supporting (with money) the KDE development would you call that a minimal loss?
I wouldn't think so, it's MAJOR!
Not nearly as major as the amount of cash Novell is losing right now. Perhaps more of us should stop bitching about little tiny problems and start actually buying things we support? And maybe when you go to work you could talk to the people i charge and switch to Novell instead of whatever is used? At the college I go to they were all RedHat people, I got half my class running SUSE and they paid for it. If Novell loses money, they have to do something. They aren't a charity, they are a business BUY things from them. -Allen
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