Mandag 01 januar 2007 23:41 skrev Mike Grello:
On Monday 01 January 2007 04:57 pm, John Andersen wrote:
On Monday 01 January 2007 10:25, Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Monday 2007-01-01 at 17:42 -0000, Dave Howorth wrote:
marketing?) who might raise an objection later. Far simpler to just make things look 'professional' from the start.
Then get the professional version, not the "geek" version :-p
-- Cheers, Carlos E. R.
Exactly So! If is boss is going to be evaluating software, even assuming his boss is competent, and look and feel at boot time is what makes or breaks the deal then get SLED, not opensuse..
His boss sounds like the kind of guy who needs that security blanket of a check being printed and mailed to pay for the software.
This is correct; the computing world does not begin and end with bean counting. Leave some space for Grandma and little Timmy. They matter.
Dear list, - please allow me to add a few of my own observations gathered from working with the Linux/SuSE desktop in corporate environments... a) Management indeed tends to be very fuzzy about what's on their PC's. They do because they are used to a MS-Windows environment, where this is an important issue. b) Namedropping is popular. I always see to that company logos etc., are properly displayed just about everywhere when I go to a first time demo of an application or a desktop for a buyer. Having a logozied (new word :-)) setup is a fine icebreaker. Even you could argue that it's ever so primitive, it works. I ALLWAYS see to that the first desktop background sports the company logo. They don't say anything..., but they love it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med venlig hilsen/Best regards Verner Kjærsgaard +===============================================================+ Powered by openSUSE 10.2 (i586) Kernel: KDE: 3.5.5 "release 45" 9:50am oppe 0:40, 2 users, belastningennemsnit: 0,05, 0,15, 0,19 +===============================================================+ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: