On 2021-02-25 10:23 a.m., Lew Wolfgang wrote:
As used now, sending and receiving email are two separate and independent processes. Each process requires its own username and password.
While true it _may_ happen that the way a _particular_ ISP works, those are both the same. Of course you may be like me: I use thunderbird to access the dozen or more IMAP accounts _that_ _I_ _have+ _with_ _one_ _ISP_, *each with its own password*. But sending I just use the same, single SMTP service. As it happens, the password on the SMTP is the same as the first of the IMAP accounts I set up, but that was just what I did at the time when I only had the one. As they say: YMMV. All this in no way contradicts what Lew says. I'm just obsessive about the 'each thing does one thing and only one thing and does it well' and apply that to email accounts as well. And before you ask, yes I have more than one domain and more than one GMail account. -- “Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it’s conspiracy theories or free-market,” -- James Glattfelder. http://jth.ch/jbg