On Monday 01 September 2003 3:22 pm, Thinker wrote:
1. I ran apt-get install XFree86. It worked but after the installation was complete I typed startx and got nothing but a grey screen. 2. I ctrl+alt+f2'd to another terminal and logged in as root. 3. I ran yast and installed kde. 4. I was able to startx and now I am in kde 3.1.1
But there are still some things messed up (like nothing on my second monitor works, when I try to run YaST it asks for the root password and then just disapears, when the screensaver comes up it only comes up on
This is what I have just done ... 1. As a user became root (su) and typed 'init 3'. 2. Logged in as root and typed 'startx'. This took me to KDE 3.1.1 3. Opened a terminal and typed 'synaptic'. 4. In synaptic I clicked on the "update List" after that was finished I clicked on the "distribution upgrade" icon.. and then proceed. 5. Once the distro upgrade was complete, I rebooted to see if anything would change. I got the gdm at runlevel 5 but when I chose gnome as the session, it booted me to kde anyway. 6. I went back and ran synaptic again, this time choosing everything gnome (ulb) there was to install/upgrade. When executing rpm (Uvh) this install gave extra output that I have no idea what it is. What to do now? If I could find a way to make backups of my evolution and document directories to my CDR via cli .. I think I would do that and simply reinstall SuSE 8.2 at this point. Unfortunately I don't know how to make such a backup and I think this is a learning experience for me and Linux. Franklin Maurer <nebbish@sprynet.com> wrote: the
first monitor, etc.).
Have you run sax2? maybe your config got messed up / over written. as root # init 3 # sax2.
When I try to run 'apt-get upgrade && apt-get upgrade' it tells me
file /opt/kde3/share/apps/noatun/simple.plugin from install of kdemultimedia3-video-xine-3.1.3-7 conflicts with file from package kdemultimedia3-video-3.1.1-50 E: Sub-process /bin/rpm/ returned an error code (184)
It seems like you're trying to install a kde 3.1.3 package(video xine) but
still have the 3.1.1 (video).
Personally I'd run synaptic(available on the apt site or apt-get install synaptic) then upgrade gnome(ulb), then kde to 3.1.3, then worry about apt-get upgrade. Also upgrade qt3, and yast. Remove ktamaga if you have it installed, it's the cause of many problems. I can't think of any other problems I had upgrading.
I use dial up so i tend to do it smaller pieces than the complete upgrade,
that way i can check whats happening without being overwhelmed ny hundreds of packages being upgraded.
Making a little progress but not all there yet. What should I do now?