Dominique Leuenberger wrote: 07-08-2006 17:20 >>>
Of course the openSUSE-project description states: "We work together
to create
and distribute the world's most usable Linux." I must have gotten this
wrong - I thought we were working together to make (open)SUSE better -
apparently the Linux-distro we're making usable is SLE. Nice of Ted
Haeger to
inform us what's going on in and around Novell.
Someone please tell me, that this man is _wrong_.
I might be wrong, but I always saw openSUSE and SLE{D,P} being close together. I mean, after all, SuSE / Novell is a very active part of the openSUSE Project and is investing work hours (thus money) in it. If they want to develop openSUSE besides their SLE{D,P} products, they could not afford it at all.
After all, it depends a lot on the community how solid openSUSE is and will be in the future! Together with SuSE / Novell WE can make the best Distro on the market!
BUT: This requires us to be much more helpful especially during Alpha / Beta testing! Don't just deny installing the previews, because they ARE buggy. Install it, write down all the informations for bugs and submit them to Bugzilla.
Of course Novell will take one or the other version as a SnapShot for the Enterprise line. With a bit more around, a bit tighter... What's wrong about this?
Nothing as long as the bugs are fixed. The fact that the bugs are not being fixes and that the final product is not fully and completely operation is the issue which is because of the methiod of development which is so un Linux. Go look at the kernel list and you will see that changes are made in small steps not grandious leaps. A principal idea is don't break the make 9with one changes). That idea needs to be incorporated in the distributions. Don't break the distribution with the updates. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: