Op woensdag 13 juni 2018 18:57:01 CEST schreef Knurpht @ openSUSE:
Op woensdag 13 juni 2018 18:14:47 CEST schreef Per Jessen:
Knurpht @ openSUSE wrote:
And what about me and the other forums team members that send people over to bugzilla ? Incl. your own advice to people to do so? How are we gonna count those ?
That can surely be pulled from bugzilla - number of reports by account?
No, you cannot pull things from bugzilla that aren't registered there.
I know that I've done so hundreds of times, yet these bugs are not registerd on my name/account?
As they shouldn't be. Suggesting someone write a report is just friendly advice, you don't get any points :-) The real effort is in writing the report, doing the follow-up, providing diagnostics etc.
Yup, and we're actively helping people to discover whether they hit a bug, and fiercely encouraging them to write a bugreport, even actively help them to do so. And nobody can count that, without manually analyzing forums threads.
In quite some cases people report back in the forums that they reported a bug in bugzilla. Mostly this is about things we've tried to reproduce, but couldn't after checking other possibilities.
Another thing: bugs/issues reported on github / progress.o.o are in the equasion as well.
Absolutely, they can't be difficult to count?
Per, please read the above. It's bloody difficult to count contributions to bugreports made outside of bugzilla, unless f.e. the forums team members would write some "We sent the user here" comments to the bug involved. FWIW: references to 'bugzilla.opensuse.org' hits the max of 300 search results and only gets back to end of 2017. I randomly opened a couple and they contained advice to report and return of BOO# .... I'm definitely not going to confirm these to get proper counts.
-- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board Member openSUSE Forums Team -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org