On Wednesday 27 November 2002 22.04, Philipp Thomas wrote:
What do you expect if clueless management doesn't understand the way e-mail works and decides that such a footer is appended by the server?
IMNSHO if you do work for such clueless management, there are enough alternative mail accounts on the net. If your management forces you to append such footers, the answer is to not use your corporate mail account on mailing lists. Management may be clueless, but so is the person who doesn't do such a simple thing.
Luckily I won't see that disclaimer anymore and any other signature that I decide to filter :) t-prot works like charm for me.
Now if you ask what t-prot is, it's a perl script you can plug into mutt and which will hide TOFU, overlong signatures, mailing list footers and adfooters. With it's sample muttrc, you can toggle between displaying ond hiding them. You can also use it as a filter in your MTA to bounce mails.
I got the tip on the german suse-linux and promptly made packages (t-prot needs the Getopt-Mixed perl module) for the next version of SuSE Linux. I'll make the perl-Getopt-Mixed.rpm for 8.1 available via pub/people/pthomas/t-prot but the t-prot package has to wait until I get answer from its author regarding the license.
For folks that want to check it out right away, the URL is //www.escape.de/users/tolot/mutt
It looks interesting. I wonder if it could be made to work with other mailers. Anders