On Sat, 10 Jul 2021 at 21:31:15 +0200, Stephan Hemeier wrote:
[...] Solution: 1. disable secure boot in Bios/UEFI. 2. Download and install: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Sauerland:/hardware/openSUS...
Dear Stephan, Your rpm is actually great. I followed your instructions, and now my laptop connects to the internet without problems and even much faster than I had expected it from a wireless connection. Thank you very much, but I can express my gratitude better in German: Allerherzlichsten Dank. Einen so eklatanten Erfolg habe ich selten verzeichnen können. Nevertheless Carlos would bring the Laptop back to the store because an ethernet cable connection is safer. That is correct, but on the other hand, I have already invested so much work, which then would be lost. Today is Sunday, so I may think about it some more hours. Cordial greetings, Wolfgang