On 2023-11-03 19:21, Dave Howorth wrote:
On Fri, 03 Nov 2023 12:41:42 -0400 joea-lists@j4computers.com wrote:
On 2023-11-03 07:58, joe a wrote: . . .
Your repository for server:mail is wrong. You have the 15.5 version, while your other repos are configured for 15.4. You have to correct that.
Notice that you did this yourself. Or the administrator of your machine if it is a different person.
Also, as you have disabled refresh in some repositories, you might have problems with files not found.
Thanks. I will look into those things. To my recollection this was a fresh install from a DVD of 15.5 downloaded from an opensuse site.
Don't recall changing anything in that regard. Regardless . . . it is what it is.
What it is, is that /etc/os-version reports 15.4. Yet, as Carlos notes, server:mail is set to 15.5. Hmm.
I suppose the simplest thing to do might be to upgrade in place to 15.5 and hope for the best, rather than start tinkering with individual packages.
It's a VM so, backing out should be simple. Relatively.
Sadly, part way through update/upgrade to 15.5, what to my wondering eyes should appear . . . why, the same, or quite similar, error as before.
With a screen shot attached, message is rejected as too large. I will attempt to describe the error again.
It fails attempting to access URL "https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/mail/15.5/server-mail (Medium 1)". I cannot determine if there is actually a space before (Medium 1).
What does "(Medium 1)" indicate? in the URL? Can that be correct as expressed there? When preparing the upgrade I disabled deleting the server:mail repository thinking that otherwise I might have to reinstall "stuff". Was that incorrect?
Currently paused at that point, unsure if I should abort, restore snapshot VM and start over, or just skip and hope for the best. I suppose any choice is OK since, well, snapshot.
I would suggest that the VM is a mess, and that it's really not worth your time, and especially not worth anybody else's time, to explore how it got like that or how to get it to a sensible state.
Rather, just nuke the VM and start afresh with a new 15.5 install.
I concur. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.5 (Laicolasse))