pelibali wrote:
On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:29:47 +0200 Thierry de Coulon <.> wrote:
On Monday, 13. August 2007, Basil Chupin wrote:
google is your best friend
1st hit http://www.google.com/search?q=root+password+for+suse+10.3+live+cd&ie=utf -8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
Oh, for chrissake, why can't you just simply state what the damn password is without going through this long-winded charade (of having to search for it on the internet)?
I second Basil here. If you know the answer to a question, why not post it simply? What's more, when you later find this message in an archive, chances are the link is obsolete and the information is lost (ok, here we talk about beta software, but this is a general observation).
Correct, would be easier for others simply to read the password mentioned e.g. in a reply mail, than to surf for it! Most of us would do the homework for google-ing, etc. anyway, but I'm now on a mail- only 56k dial-up for _weeks_, having a 10.3 LiveCD from a friend with no instruction / password. Therefore I could ask the same and hope for a positive (=useful) answer.
This is one of the things which people who are in a privileged situation always forget to take into account. I had been involved on committees of not-for-profit organisations for years and the one thing which stood out like a big pimple on the nose is that people who have jobs (and therefore are earning an income) simply do not recognise what it costs, and what effect it has on, people who are on the commttee(s) but are, say, pensioners. Sure, the 'pensioners' need not go on the committee(s) but then very few people earning an income go on them :-( . It's a moot point, but my main point still stands. I have read messages here which stated that "I" can download files at xxMB/s or xxGB/s while others have stated that the best that they can manage is at dial-up speed of 56KB/s. While I am always for the underdog, it could be thought unreasonable to fully cater for the lowest possible denominator when it comes to making alphas or betas available. Nevertheless, it is STILL possible to make available a version of the latest alpha or beta or release of SuSE even for the 56KB dial-up user - be it in a DVD format or otherwise - because the dial-up has at his/her disposal software which will download the appropriate file (ISO eg) over a period of a week or so. The choice of doing so is up to the user - and the user has to be given that choice. The cost to the s/ware provider to make this possible and place on its site for it to be downloaded is negligible. The cost is negligible. The PR and goodwill are enormous. But then we are dealing with Novell. Cheers. -- Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org