Windows annouced today that they will be releasing a windows pro 64 bit & server for the same price as there 32 bit version. So that means if you got a 32 bit computer and a 64 bit computer you can buy the upgrades for both if you still have windows 98 for only $398.00 plus tax.
Actually what that really means is to "Bend over & Insert here!" :)
Bill makes this annoucement like it is such a great deal. If he ever gets tired of ripping people off he can become a comedian.
He's been a comedian since the DOS days. The way he approached IBM and ran is one of those things that you just sit there and think to yourself about the odds of winning the lottery; Which is what he did. Not to mention his B.S. salesman tactics and promises.
This might be the wrong place for this but I had to tell someone.
No, There really is no wrong place to talk about anything. In fact, while we are on this subject. I've been doing a whole lot of news reading lately in all of the I.T. world. I recently came across some blogs, in regards to Steve Jobs making the claim that Longhorn is copying Apple. I decided to pull up some screen shots of this "Great LongBEhorn" and "Tiger". To my surprise, They've been making some claim to fame with there innovative eye candy, file system capabilities, along with some 3D engine work. My mouth dropped! Most of the stuff that Apple and M.S. have been claiming to do with there upcoming future releases; We've been able to do in Linux for some time now. The lovely beauty to Open Source; Is the fact that we can see when our work has been done and being done. It's makes a great time line venue. I'm still looking into other things that are so "Innovative" in these upcoming O.S. releases. I'm just amazed on what they are saying. So I'm really wondering, Who's copying who???? JD