Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* DenverD <> [09-23-10 03:14]:
Philipp wanted to play using the rules as _he_ understood them, and when he couldn't bully the rest into accepting his opinion as the *only* possible factual understanding of the published "Generic questions and User to User support for the openSUSE distribution" [cite:] he picked up *his* ball and went home..
he was no more "run out of town" than is anyone who is frustrated by reality, and leaves of their own free will when they can't have it the way they want it, without discussion.
No, he considers the signal-to-noise ration out of sight and cannot be bothered anymore sorting the wheat from the chaff.
We miss you Chris.
Here we go AGAIN, someone that don't want to use the - frickin' - DELETE - key. I'm on five different lists and if I complained to every list about "sorting the wheat from the chaff", I would not be subscribed to anyone of them - including - this - one !!! SO - HOW - FRICKIN' - HARD - IS - IT - TO - HIT - THE - DELETE - KEY - ? NOW - LET'S - MOVE - ON - ! -- Duaine Hechler Piano, Player Piano, Pump Organ Tuning, Servicing & Rebuilding Reed Organ Society Member Florissant, MO 63034 (314) 838-5587 -- Home & Business user of Linux - 10 years -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: