Am Samstag, 11. Juli 2009 03:44:30 schrieb Charles Philip Chan:
Beagle ! what a total pain and complete resource hog once again it needs to be a LOT easier to un-install or not install at all With the requisite warning for those that do install it beware it will hog your CPU for excessive amounts of time ,
Another program I detest. However, you can not fault OpenSUSE only again, since this is part of a default a Gnome installation.
It is kind of openSUSE's fault because they install it by default, even with a KDE installation and although somehow not active by default, it does use the CPU and harddisk.
Likewise Nepomuk .
This is a symptom of "keep up with the Jones". Ever since Apple's Spotlight, every OS seem to have an indexer enabled by default.
Nepomuk is two parts. One is the semantic framework, i.e. you can tag files and folders etc. the other is the indexing, aka strigi. The latter is what causes hdd and cpu usage and the current status is that it will be disabled by default in 11.2. Really disabled, not like beagle.
Then we have this whole License thing about codecs and DVD playing software things like DHT as well , People purchase a distro and rightfully so expect to be able to install it bang in a DVD and have it play not go faffing around having to instantly pollute a new install with essentially foreign packages not everyone has a good enough Internet connection to do that any way , maybe it is time for Opensuse to find a new home where German licensing rules don't apply .
Huh, this had nothing to do with German Licensing rules. Dvdcss is illegal in all countries that have ratified WIPO's "Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act":
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIPO_Copyright_and_Performances_and_Phonograms _Treaties_Implementation_Act
Thanks for providing that list, it really helps if people go on about government x or y or openSUSE as being the only distro that has to work with these issues. Even some versions of MS Windows come without DVD support, so this is not even a Linux issue. Sven -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org