Do I understand correctly that you are not looking for a "flat screen" as in LCD but rather what is sometimes termed "flat-square", what is basically a normal monitor with a flat face glass instead of the usual convex surface? If that's correct, I recommend ViewSonics flat-square CRT. I have not actually tried it on Linux, but have used several of them, all the needed info is in the little booklet that comes with them, and besides, they are listed in SAX so I think they're supported. You could always check with the SuSE Hardware DB or XFree's supported hardware list first. At 12:09 AM 1/11/2001 -0500, you wrote:
** Reply to message from b stephen harding <> on Wed, 10 Jan 2001 23:04:20 -0500
I have the Samsung SyncMaster 955SL. Terrific monitor for about 368. I had the guy who made the computer buy as a part of his deal.
Ed Harrison SuSE 6.4, Kernel 2.2.18, IBM JDK 1.1.8 (20000713) or Warp 4, FP12 or Windows98 (running in vmware 2.0.3 for fun) PolarBarMailer 1.1.19
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---------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Wilson System Administrator Cedar Creek Software Central Texas IT