While I am not sure the 7.0-7.1 time, the 7.4-8.0 is reported to have taken about 6 months (as reported by their website). -jeric : -----Original Message----- : From: propheci [mailto:propheci@wickedland.com] : Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 12:19 PM : To: suse-linux-e@suse.com : Subject: Re: [SLE] Wait for 8.1? : : : On Saturday 27 April 2002 12:13, Paul W. Abrahams wrote: : > Now that 8.0 is out and people are getting some experience with it, : > I'm wondering if it pays to wait for version 8.1 rather than live on : > the "bleeding edge". I've usually found that the ".0" version of : > any product is much less stable than the next one. With all the : > changes, particularly to KDE, I'm worried about the stability of 8.0. : > (If I don't get 8.0 I'll certainly get 8.1, so SuSE will sell me a : > copy in any case.) : : that's what i'm doing. although i haven't heard any horrific stories : about 8.0, i'd like to wait for 8.1 anyway. : : on a related note, does anyone remember how long 7.1 was released after : 7.0? : : thanks, : xiaolei : : -- : To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com : For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com : : Also check the archives at http://lists.suse.com : :