Ben Rosenberg wrote:
On 6/17/05, Sid Boyce <> wrote:
James D. Parra wrote:
Interesting, Theo rekons IBM don't know a good OS when they see one. BSD has always shouted sour grapes, nothing new, a long YAWN is my reaction. Regards
Yes, but he was whining in Fortune Mag this week as well. And PHB's read that rag and believe the things in it. I hope they don't believe him.
- Ben
Of course, but PHB's also talk to the likes of IBM and demand reference accounts when making decisions, also being ultra cautious people, they also suspect rants. Many install Linux in their shops without reference to the likes of IBM?Novell/RedHat and I doubt many of them have heard of Theo or BSD. Many have shunned BSD and Linux would never have got started if BSD was not seen as a sanctimonious and cleverer-than-thou elitist clique unwilling to accept contributions from lower forms of life. Theo has confirmed in the Forbes article what we always suspected he thought, that Linux is developed by lower life forms and used only by lower life forms. Another good read of a MS salesman putting the frighteners up a PHB with his own lies atop "Get The Lies". I'm still waiting for the article that will claim that Linux will rot your teeth, eat your children and make any surviving children cook and eat their parents - it can't be far off. Regards Sid. -- Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Keen licensed Private Pilot Retired IBM Mainframes and Sun Servers Tech Support Specialist Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks