On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 11:23:09AM -0800, Ben Rosenberg wrote:
On 11/9/05, Allen <gorebofh@comcast.net> wrote:
Not nearly as major as the amount of cash Novell is losing right now.
Perhaps more of us should stop bitching about little tiny problems and start actually buying things we support?
Been doing that since 1997 when you were probably in Jr. HIgh.
Yea I forgot the only people with any respect are those who wear depends to stop the little potty problem.
And maybe when you go to work you could talk to the people i charge and
switch to Novell instead of whatever is used?
I have 60 SUSE db/MX servers.. what more can *I* do? A lot us here buy SUSE .. it's only in the last few months that OpenSUSE has even existed. Prior to this there were NO free downloads with the exception of the PITA FTP install.
At the college I go to
This explains a LOT of your statements. You not even in the real world yet and you have the gaul to tell the users of this list WTF to do and make innuendos that they're nuts because they get upset about things like this. You wet behind the ears nuckle head.. go take another class that tells you how things are "suppose" to be. Because you obviously have no bloody clue what reality is.
I'll take that class when you can learn how to quote right. Tard.
If Novell loses money, they have to do something. They aren't a charity,
they are a business.
Yep. This is exactly true. And if they lose more customers by what they do then the customers they gain.. that's the free market. What this whole thread has been about so far is the fact that the customers Novell ALREADY have aren't happy with the direction they're going. Becoming more like Redhat isn't going to get them Redhat's market and if you look at OpenSUSE and all the other things they've been doing.. it's what they've been moving toward. But then again you're a college student and aren't in the corp. world. So your opinion means close to nothing.
You're right I don't work corporate. My work is all govt related.
BUY things from them.
That's the POINT you imbecile .. we ARE their customers and we are saying that WE won't be their customers if they fuck KDE.. don't you friggin get it? How many times does it have to be said .. once more I guess.. " If they start dropping support for KDE, we are going to take our business elsewhere. " It's we who have been paying $55-90 every six months for their releases.. it's we who have kept this distro alive over the years. Quite a few of us have been on these lists and evangelizing for SUSE for years.
Ahhh the number of flames I got when I said fuck once. Maybe it's just me no one likes and I'M the asshole and not you. Hiding behind that keyboard.
You just simply do NOT understand and that's fine. But don't start telling people they are of low IQ or that they were tinfoil hats because they have an opinion. At least some of us have a basis for said opinion and can back it up.
I don't believe I said the word tin foil hat jack ass.
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