25 Apr
25 Apr
* Christopher Mahmood (ckm@suse.com) [020425 11:51]: :: ::That it's completely ridicules of course. They didn't say "The ::poster should stick to polishing tables at McDonalds" or anything ::like that because they are both very nice people but if I were ::posting from a non-SuSE address I might try to come up with some ::sort of witty remark like that. Oh well, :: To quote George Carlin.. " When you look at the average American you realize there's nothing nature enjoy's more then a good joke. " -=Ben --=====-----=====-- mailto:ben@whack.org --=====-- If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. -GC --=====-----=====--