On Wednesday 28 August 2002 09:08, Olle Viksten wrote:
Skrev onsdagen den 28 augusti 2002 14.27 Terence McCarthy:
I've had it with trying to get a NVidia card working. Has anyone tried the ATI Radeon 9000?
What about drivers- I can't find any reference to a 3D driver for linux anywhere.
I don't know about the 9000 but as of yesterday I'm using a 8500. There seems to be no 3D support for it yet. But otherwise it works great and it took me about 2 minutes to set it up with sax2 as I wanted it. On the windows partition (Im using it for Dreamveawer and Compupic) it took over ten minutes and one reboot. :-)
Olle =====================
There is minimal 3d support presently for the 8500, but it will work. The CVS XFree86 files have very much more support, if you want to compile your own. Also, there are the FireGL files that work with the 8500 for some nice 3d, I have heard. I believe these same drivers will work as well with the 9000 or you may be able to get drivers from the ATI site as well. ATI has been very good about providing support for Open Source with their products and drivers. The FireGL drivers are available on SuSE's ftp site. Patrick -- --- KMail v1.4.3 --- SuSE Linux Pro v8.0 --- Amiga, SuSE Linux, PC Sales & Service Magic Page Products