On Thursday, 25 April 2002 13:51, you wrote:
* Anders Johansson (andjoh@cicada.linux-site.net) [020425 11:37]:
On Thursday 25 April 2002 20:18, Christopher Mahmood wrote:
Ah, so I don't need to tell you what Jens Axboe and Andre Hedrick said then. Good.
Could you tell the rest of us? Those two aren't exactly known for their diplomacy :)
That it's completely ridicules of course. They didn't say "The poster should stick to polishing tables at McDonalds" or anything like that because they are both very nice people but if I were posting from a non-SuSE address I might try to come up with some sort of witty remark like that. Oh well,
Oooo, nasty jab from Suse themselves. Does everyone see this? Remember, in this, I was attacked with no provocation. I earnestly and specifically laid out an innovative (tho tested) idea, and specifically noted that I expected flames. I did this, not for monetary gain, and not to gain fans (as some here do), but to *simply*help*at*least*a*few*people*out*there*. Suse doesn't recognise it, but this will help them too. And I was received like I was trying to overthrow the government. As expected: Michael Nelson: "You certainly have an active imagination." Matthew Johnson Suggested I go to the 'baloney-detection site'. Matthew Johnson: "Are you talking about "Pixie Dust" here?" Greg Hicks: "(You) go around spewing nonsense and then not back it up. If you are so self righteous as to come forward with this sort of drivel then you should at least provide links to sites that provide a little support to your wild claims. Anon. Coward =Anonymous Coward = Afraid to even prove who he is" {dumbass} And several much more nasty attacks, BEFORE I stood up for myself. This seems to be a sick climate, which discourages the really talented ones who are first to be injured when sideswiped by a bully. Then we lose them. And we are all much poorer for it. I have said that I recognize I am not conforming to the rigid orthodoxy. And you know what I mean. We are actually in the majority here. So I'd like to ask everyone this: If three months from now, you find my suggestion helpful, or at least not harmful, please remember what Christopher Mahmood <ckm@suse.com> of Suse said: "(Jens Axboe and Andre Hedrick) didn't say 'the poster should stick to polishing tables at McDonalds' or anything like that because they are both very nice people but if I were posting from a non-SuSE address I might try to come up with some sort of witty remark like that." Who's to say you didn't? I am disappointed now with Suse. I think Suse is a nice distro, but I am not married to it. I am now concerned with openness to change here, tolerance of caustic attitudes, and allowing a climate of fear on this forum. (If you ever hesitate to ask, you know what I mean) Me? I returned fire, for a change. Hurts, don't it? I am bemused by the number of people wanting me to spoon-feed them, when they exactly are the RTFM cartel. Big talkers. No ideas. Innovators RULE! Mean people SUCK!