Jan, all: After a complete system update to on my Toshiba P35 using "system update" in Yast, I have noticed some other strange behavior and my system has lost a lot of what makes opensuse opensuse or, in other words, its opensuseness. For starters: (1) konsole now has the regular user prompt: "20:58 Rankin-P35a:~ >" where "Rankin-P35a" is displayed in *green* and the ">" is *not* visible. The ">" is not visible because the font color for the ">" is white regardless of schema. See below (4) for further discussion; (2) konsole now has the root user prompt: "20:58 Rankin-P35a:~ #" where "Rankin-P35a" is displayed in *red*; (3) all/most of the Bash aliases are gone, (i.e. "ll" does not give a long list of the directory, etc...) example: 21:11 Rankin-P35a:~ > ll bash: ll: command not found 21:12 Rankin-P35a:~ > la bash: la: command not found; and (4) konsole: links are invisible. For example in "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2007-08-06 23:02 powersave -> sysconfig/powersave" the first "powersave" is invisible. Actually, the link name font color is set to white making it invisible on a white background. The invisibility occurs in schema "konsole default", "white on black", etc. The link name color shows as white regardless of the schema selected, "linux colors", etc. How do I get konsole and the Bash aliases returned to normal without having to manually rebuild the aliases and find out where all the konsole default color definitions are found?? I have another 10.2 machine here I could copy the files from, but I do not know offhand which files I need. .bashrc comes to mind, but I would certainly welcome a link to a quick list of files that I could start off replacing to attempt to cure these problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated.