Some of The BSD Developers have already been talking about porting systemd over to BSD. With Debian, Red Hat Inc and SUSE migrating to systemd pretty much all cloned GNU/Linux distros are migrating. I like a lot of what systemd is doing but there are some things I do not like. journald is one of my concerns placing logs into a binary format may be useful to help prevent compromised systems from having logging entries removed. With text files based logging it is relatively easy to remove some lines from the log to cover up the system compromise. Of course using an external log collector and forwarding copies of all entries to it helps to eliminate this threat. SystemD does allow for RSyslog or SyslogNG which good as plain text logs do have the added advantage of easy of use with a massive amount of GNU utilities to parse the with. I currently am unclear as to whether journald can even send copies to a remote log collection server but I am sure the developers have thought of this. Security vs ease of use is always a sticky situation. The kernel cgroups tracking feature is a great security enhancement and stability enhancement so intentionally malicious multi forked PID's can not be made hidden and used to prevent malicious process from being stopped or restarted as part of the parent process using sytemvint. I do not like the HTTP server integration at all and I do not want this at all journald is optional though. Gentoo still has not embraced systemd but it is an implemented option and required for GNOME 3. As long as you do not want to use GNOME 3 (Impossible now without systemd now) you can use Gentoo with a different choice of DE and systemvinit. There is at least a commercial book available, Fedora Linux Servers with systemd, that covers the Fedora 20 implementation of systemd. Once you understand the syntax it is at least easy to use and consistent for an OSS moving target development project. Sadly the authors writing style is that of a Historian and not a technology enthusiast though. I really do not care for the idea of integrating DBus into systemd and PID 1. I have heard some of the concerns being voiced about this and it sounds like trouble waiting to happen. Bottom line in the long run I personally think systemd will bring a lot to Linux even if it does require being forked sometime in the future to overhaul some aspects of it so its development is not a waist at all in my opinion. Once the larger community steps in and possibly forks it and host the fork at The Linux Foundation if possible I imagine a lot of these debates will end with more folks actually working on it. The beauty of FLOSS if you do not like a direction something is taking and your concerns are not adhered to then stick a fork in it and prove yours is better. If systemd was a Linux Foundation working group then LSB and other requirements could be added into this umbrella to create some useful standardization. One day their will be a Universal Linux Package format and package manager after someone actually convinces all the developers of current solutions to work together to produce a new a new one from scratch! Some of the arguments against systemd though seem to be being spoon fed by a GNU/Linux Hater or FUD campaign because they actually attack both systemvinit and systemd. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: