On Friday 31 January 2003 4:23 pm, Kevin Donnelly wrote:
I think SuSE SHOULD pull out, as well as SUN. This type of corp. manipulation has NO place in the Linux community. [...] I therefore don't see why SuSE shouldn't be at this show. Sure, it's now clear it's a Lindows shopwindow, [...] The way Lindows turned the show programme around was pretty crass, but they were paying a lot towards it weren't they, and who had the idea in the first place? IMHO, some of the other planned exhibitors may have let their
On Friday 31 January 2003 12:29 am, Fred A. Miller wrote: pride obscure the wider objective of putting Linux in front of as many eyeballs as possible.
This is making great fodder for conspiracy/counter-conspiracy theories -- he gets this thing all hyped up, gets lots of "names" to support it, waits for the event to sell out [which it reportadly has] then "pulls the fast one" to get the "competition" [in his viewpoint] to pull out -- end result, a sold-out, inexpensively-hyped show with him as the only "vendor" Meanwhile, the linux community divides itself -- they've been had, their mad, but it is still "getting linux in front of new faces". This whole thing may backfire on him, or it may work out wonderfully [again, for him...] or it may mega-backfire and microsoft gets to use this as a "reason" not to switch to linux... [that would be, umm, "bad" :( ]