On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 08:33:42AM +0530, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
houghi wrote:
So now you also know what it means when people say that some piece of software `goed gold`.
No, I don't understand what "goed gold" means? Does it mean it "reached the stage of gold release"?
Should have been `goes gold`. Going gold means that somebody has the final CD that he brings to the company that presses the CD's for the masses. This CD they carry to that company is a CD you and I use and is most of the time of a Gold colour: http://www.infocellar.com/networks/graphics/images/cd-gold.jpg
And if there are going to be 3 RCs before the gold release, how come the entry immediately after SuSE 10 RC1 is SuSE 10.1?
It is not sure that there will be 3 RC's. Maybe laess, maybe more. First you have 10 Beta 1-x , then 10.0 RC 1-x then gold (wich you will never see, because that is only used to go from the SUSE office to the CD factory) and then 10.0 Next we will have 10.1 Beta, then 10.1 RC then 10.1 Gold and finaly 10.1 After that we have 10.2 Beta ... houghi -- Workers of the world, arise! You have nothing to lose but your chairs.