Now here is the strange part. I know that I have one true hardware terminal :0 (what ever it is called) and I had one terminal emulator open (Konsole) which would be pts/0 . I didn't have any other terminal emulator sessions open. Why the pts/1 then ?!?!
Hmmm. Not sure. On my box the GUI login mechanism creates a console window which is visible from the login prompt even when no one is logged in. It's so errors and messages from the hardware, etc., can be seen. Although it's an xterm, it's started with the "console" flag so everything sent to the real console gets reflected in it. Perhaps you've got one of those? Perhaps that's a total red herring? :o) I don't know - I've never really thought about it before. You could probably get to the bottom of it given enough effort, but to be honest, as a newbie, there's more interesting and important things for you to explore.
Also and even more important: You seem very knowledgable
Heh, I learnt all I know from Anders Johansson... ;o) Stick on this list - you'll get to know that name.
could you recommend some good (books) UNIX/Linux dictionaries that also contain acronyms like pts (etc) and good definitions. Also, what are some good reference books on Linux/UNIX? or online forums for UNIX/LINUX novices to gain knowledge from? I really need some advice.
I'm probably not the person to ask. I've been using Linux since 1994 and haven't looked at a newbie book or website for many years. If there's something I don't know I either ask here, or look it up on google. I would suggest a separate post to this list asking the question specifically. Asking several questions on one post isn't too successful normally.
I really want and need to learn, and not just be a GUI moron.
You've made a good start by subscribing to this list. It's the single best general Linux resource I know of, other than your box itself.
P.S. Just bought an IBM Laptop and SuSEd it ... am reading this on a 21" IBM P260 CRT.
Heh. I'm just a contractor, not a proper IBMer. The effect is similar except I get paid more. :o) Until next month when my contract expries! :o( -- The past: Smart users in front of dumb terminals