On Thursday 31 January 2002 12:57 pm, you wrote:
Which is why if WinANYTHING is in the subject of the mail or if the mail has anything to do with Windows on this list. I automatically delete it. I firmly believe that this is a Linux list...and I shall
<snip> help no one with Windows issues..even dual booting.</snip> I think you should make an exception to this rule. Think about it, your only helping Windows. I am not asking for a flame or anything of any kind, I just want you to realize if people cannot get dual boot running, then how do you convince them to use linux and still give them the comfort of mind knowing they still have Windows to fall back on in case things go bad? Ben, Think about it. -- David M. AIM: dmcglone27 ICQ: 96210352 dmcglone@edificationweb.com Edification Web Solutions http://www.edificationweb.com I could careless
what Windows likes or if Lilo won't work with a version of Windows. People can go elsewhere for help with that crap.
So I wouldn't see a troll that was doing this. I had enough of that crap during the OS/2 days...it use to just piss me right off. CKM can tell you I'm a sucker for a flamewar and man I use to enjoy it when it was OS/2 vs. Windows 3.X :)
* Curtis Rey (crrey@charter.net) [020131 04:02]: ->I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually an M$ agent. I just read a ->John C Devorak article that mentioned how M$ used a team of M$ employees ->to go in to chat rooms and mail list during the OS/2 wars. He mentioned ->that it seems M$ is up to their old tricks. He said an informant from ->M$ leaked it too him. He also mentioned that they will troll chat ->pallors and mail lists about how awful things are with the an M$ ->competitor and wonderful the lastest M$ product is. -> ->I could be wrong, this might just be some guy talking about something ->he's just doing. I for one am paranoid enough to not trust M$. How ->knows? The NTFS bootloader may very well log the OS version installed ->and then send it home to Redmond - lord knows M$-XP phones home alot.
-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- Ben Rosenberg mailto:ben@whack.org -----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...