On Thursday 25 April 2002 07:22 am, you wrote:
. I'll be darned... a civil question
I was beginning to think there were only overbearing loudmouths in this airspace.
Yes, manufacturers often provide a low-level format utility, and another utility to set such things as block-testing, noise level, etc..
Again, I do not care about the bully orthodoxy, to prove anything.
I'm sure all of us have worked in an office where the ethos was just terrible. Everyone is tense and worried about each other, and you just hate to go to work in the morning. Well people, this is almost always caused by a very few 'stink generators', and if you identify those few publically, it does help. You can usually recognize them, because they are the ones who bulldoze people with their uninformed notions and idiotic political ideas. Ideally those types should be forced to live in their own nasty mess, but in practice they benefit from an improved environment just like everyone else, unfortunately.
For those who are listening, please look into this. You'll benefit.
I've been watching this thread since it started. AC...if you want *anyone* to take you seriously, you've got to supply a few sources for everyone to look at. *You're* the one who came in here, said something, and just left it at that. Surely you can't expect anyone to take it seriously, and especially so if you don't even throw in a few of the sources that *you* used to get this info. You're just not using any common sense man. Tell us where you went to get this info, so that others can look at it too. If you don't, then you are *exactly* like most trolls in NG's...spew something out without backing it up, just to get a rise out of anyone. John -- M$: What can we do to frustrate and aggravate you today?