andre wrote:
Al Sutton wrote:
Since sending this I've been able to diagnose point 1) as being due to a incompatibility with my USB controller, and so I can access the IOMega ZIP CD from another USB controller. Al.
same problem here too, seems some no name brand taiwanese motherboards ship with grotty USB. Solved when installed ASUS mob. Some of the other remarks aren't true though ;) eg. the most obvious no download images - why don't you just make backups of the disk(s) ?? Change frustrates - i spent few minutes trying to find where to disable sunrpc/portmap and ended up changing the run level scripts cause i just cannot find a similiar line to old rc.config portmap="no" ?
look into /etc/sysconfig/* basically, rc.config has been split into many small files which are now in that directory. For LSB compatibility.
Guess i need more skills ;) (a lot of gripes is just about not understanding) When deadrat brings out a new vers. i will look at it but SuSE is the cats whiskers.
(I miss XINE ? What now for DVD's ?)