houghi wrote:
I personaly just hope that there will be a Network instalation CD. Small initial download, download only what you need, works on any bootable CD/DVD.
OK, but only viable when connecting to the network doesn't need much configuration. I still haven't got my ADSL USB modem to work. (Gotta read the accessrunner documentation.) And of course, with good download speeds and big or no download limits. (Here in India, home users still can't afford having a both high-speed line with unlimited downloads. The market is only now starting to grow.)
A 1 CD based openSUSE would also be nice. Easy to distribute and give to friends. :-)
I strongly support this. :) I also vote that it has KDE 'cause KDE rocks! (Of course, if stuffing both KDE and GNOME on a single CD would be possible, perhaps with some of the less vital packages thrown out, then that would be the appropriate way to do things.) I'm not sure about this, but I think that even with SuSE Pro 9.3, the first CD of the 5 is sufficient for most basic installs. (Not sure if that will include the office suite, but am conjecturing, based on Novell having given the 1 CD download time etc by the side of the 5 CD download time and DVD download time.) -- Shriramana Sharma http://samvit.org