I was going to order the SuSE 9.2 package (DVDs+CDs) and was referred to several online sites that sold them at a discounted rate from the full retail price via "Digital River". They appear to be the same package when there is a picture, but sometimes it says std upgrade (CD). I called one merchant to verify that it was the full upgrade product and they said it was not the full product, if I wanted the update, I only got 1 CD with the updated products on it. !?!? This was suppposedly after contacting their Novell distributor. Now I know there are sites that offer unofficial CD/DVD duplicates for cheap and know those aren't the official update products, but this distributor got their upgrade product from Novell and claimed it was a CD only. Have things gotten more complicated and Novell is offering subsets of the official upgrade package, or was this online reseller (one recommended on the SuSE/Novell site) misinformed? Where is the best place to order the full upgrade package these days? Do I still have to "bother" or can I wait until 9.3 (which is probably due any time now) -- or will it only upgrade the 1 package before it? At least Microsoft does that aspect right, with new OS upgrades, coming out years apart will still upgrade older OS versions rather than only the one just before it. Pie-in-the-sky -- it'd be great if the main distro's would agree on package names so packages could be inter-installed between distro's....but that would be just too much like 'right' for consumers...;-) -linda