How long Nokia will support 3 devices on 3 different OS's covering the same market and which actually hits the street in any numbers is a moot point (the N8xx hardly set the world alight, over priced and under performed according to many reports, and the N900 may be an attempt to flog a dead horse)... but one does get the impression the right hand does not know what the left is doing...
I have an N800, and it's great. I've got no real complaints. Installed KDE3.5 on it... used it a LOT on my travels in Kenya and Rwanda. It was a lot more useful than packing about a laptop (something I did on previous trips) due to its size and the environment I was in. Granted the small interface is a bit... cramped, but it definitely did the job. I was able to wade through my emails (IMAP connection to the office in Europe), ssh to other machines as needed.. run VNC sessions and log into my home/work PCs, Skype chat with friends etc etc. Granted, I can do mos/all of this with my iPhone too, but only if I jailbreak it. I bought my N800 in California (while on a business trip a couple years ago) and it was stinking hard to track down. Loads of shops had them, but they were always sold out. I got one the day before I was due to leave the US only by calling every shop I could find in the Bay Area, and reserving one.... so at some point, they were selling well :-) I'm kinda looking forward to the N900 as a significant improvement on a nice concept... time will tell of course. C. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: