On Friday 24 August 2007 18:17, G T Smith wrote:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
I was printing a 300 page job, page by page, from a script (that adds a label), but it get stuck at page 163:
psselect -p$PAGE $FILE /tmp/pagina.ps echo "Sending page $PAGE to default printer" lp /tmp/pagina.ps -o page-label="$PAGE"
lpq shows the pages as "printing":
And it doesn't print anything. The page is blank, but it should do something, complain of an error, something... but it just stays there, silent.
Of course, the error is mine, trying to print a non existing page, but... is it also a bug?
Are you sure its cups.. as PS is a programming language you can set it up to do some rather daft things (like go into an infinite loop). It may be a bug in the PS interpreter on the printer, or the PS being sent... I would take a look at the PS source (just print page to PS file and see what you have).
-- =========================================================================== === I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
Bjarne Stroustrup =========================================================================== ===
I had the same problem with a PDF a few months ago. It printed nicely from a windows box (go figure), but it alway hung under linux. I could print all pages up to but excluding the failing page, and then the following pages to the end. In my case it was a malformed page that "hung" something in the chain. I never got around to check why. I guess its as usual with windows generated stuff... It ALMOST follows the standards, but differs just ever so slightly, and thus trashing anything that is compliant to standards. Just look at IE's (in)ability to follow the http standard.. Almost anything passes through the parser.. -- /Rikard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- email : rikard.j@rikjoh.com web : http://www.rikjoh.com mob: : +46 (0)763 19 76 25 ------------------------ Public PGP fingerprint ---------------------------- < 15 28 DF 78 67 98 B2 16 1F D3 FD C5 59 D4 B6 78 46 1C EE 56 >