On Sat, Jun 04, 2005 at 12:47:04AM +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Friday 2005-06-03 at 15:22 -0400, Allen wrote:
There is a poster, probably certified mad (Tourette syndrome), that has taken to insult people as he pleases. But the worst is that he is emailing
I have that, you don't see me doing that even though I get reamed for my potty mouth. There is a HUGE difference between what you're talking about
I'm sorry, he said that himself time ago (that he had that syndrome), once he was asking for excuses. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know. There are references on the web about him having overcome his illness, and get to be an engineer. He has written books.
You don't have to overcome it to become anything. One side effect of that is a very high IQ and problem solving abilities.
If you are correct, then his insults in writting do not have anything to do with that syndrome? Then he does it on purpose. It is even worse.
This is going to sound odd, because you yourself don't have this, but he may "have" to do that.
For us it is very difficult to understand what he does. Sometimes he is reasonable enough, then takes to talk politics, or anti-linux, or... whatever, and it is impossible to reason with him. Some of us have tried to convince him that we are not interested in politics, that we will not listen to hime (read/write, that is) if he uses foul language... useless.
Swearing is fairly common, I doubt he means to do that on purpose.
And now he is supplanting people, so that listers get confused and think that they are being insulted by somebody else, when it is the same person always. He even poses as two or three diferent persons insulting one another.
Heh, this is called boredom. He should start trying Opiates. that would take away a lot of the swearing, and probably stop him from seeming bothersome. The meds people are given for it are dangerouse, yet Opium seems to calm some of it, or make toher parts of it worse, it depends. I'm on Vicodin and Tylenol #3 right now, it stops a lot of my problems caused form it and allows me to actually concentrate.
It is this supplanting that is really "irking".
A bored genius is a dangerous thing.
Today he has posted over 50 messages... and I'm afraid that much more will come this weekend.
Tell him to find some type of Opiates, he's already able to do things security related it sounds like, if he starts using those he could probably find new security flaws and his 50 mails would be telling people to fix them.
- -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson
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