29 Dec
29 Dec
On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 20:31, SuSEnixER wrote:
What's the difference between mtab and fstab? Should my zip be in both?
An explanation of the purpose of /etc/mtab is presented at: http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e/1998-Dec/0207.html
Just slightly OT, I've noticed in the URL above as well as the man page for fstab(5) that the root filesystem should have an fs_passno of 1, yet every fresh SuSE install that I can recall has placed a 2 here. What's up with that? Am I just seeing things - and if so, why can't they be prettier? -- JAY VOLLMER JVOLLMER@VISI.COM TEXT REFS DOUBLEPLUSUNGOOD SELFTHINK VERGING CRIMETHINK IGNORE FULLWISE