On 9/24/21 19:47, George from the tribe wrote:
Can someone tell me if this is a bad idea and why -
I want to do regular updates, like security updates to google chrome and things like that, for all my programs and apps that are managed by non-openSUSE repositories.
Then do regular zypper dup updates for the whole system only like once a month. That way I minimize my chances of something breaking right before a critical business trip or something like that, but still keep my security up to date.
Any thoughts?
With a mix of official openSUSE repos and other repos in Tumbleweed, the biggest problem is that the packages may change vendor between those repos without notice, and the risk is that this could break the basic packages from TW at lesat. I'd suggest to prevent changing the vendor for packages with: $ zypper -v dup --no-allow-vendor-change Additionally, you could reduce the risk of mixing by updating only from the oS:TW repos. Have a nice day, Berny