Which is why if WinANYTHING is in the subject of the mail or if the mail has anything to do with Windows on this list. I automatically delete it. I firmly believe that this is a Linux list...and I shall help no one with Windows issues..even dual booting. I could careless what Windows likes or if Lilo won't work with a version of Windows. People can go elsewhere for help with that crap. So I wouldn't see a troll that was doing this. I had enough of that crap during the OS/2 days...it use to just piss me right off. CKM can tell you I'm a sucker for a flamewar and man I use to enjoy it when it was OS/2 vs. Windows 3.X :) * Curtis Rey (crrey@charter.net) [020131 04:02]: ->I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually an M$ agent. I just read a ->John C Devorak article that mentioned how M$ used a team of M$ employees ->to go in to chat rooms and mail list during the OS/2 wars. He mentioned ->that it seems M$ is up to their old tricks. He said an informant from ->M$ leaked it too him. He also mentioned that they will troll chat ->pallors and mail lists about how awful things are with the an M$ ->competitor and wonderful the lastest M$ product is. -> ->I could be wrong, this might just be some guy talking about something ->he's just doing. I for one am paranoid enough to not trust M$. How ->knows? The NTFS bootloader may very well log the OS version installed ->and then send it home to Redmond - lord knows M$-XP phones home alot. -----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- Ben Rosenberg mailto:ben@whack.org -----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...