* David M (dmcglone@edificationweb.com) [020131 12:24]: ->On Thursday 31 January 2002 12:57 pm, you wrote: ->> Which is why if WinANYTHING is in the subject of the mail or if the ->> mail has anything to do with Windows on this list. I automatically ->> delete it. I firmly believe that this is a Linux list...and I shall -> -> -><snip> help no one with Windows issues..even dual booting.</snip> -> ->I think you should make an exception to this rule. Think about it, your ->only helping Windows. -> ->I am not asking for a flame or anything of any kind, I just want you to ->realize if people cannot get dual boot running, then how do you convince ->them to use linux and still give them the comfort of mind knowing they ->still have Windows to fall back on in case things go bad? -> ->Ben, Think about it. I have thought about it. And I'm not saying anyone else has to do or have the attitude that I do. All I was saying is that *I* won't help anyone with Windows. To me it's like giving a heroin addict another shot because it makes them feel ok..but it doesn't help them in the slightest bit. I don't have time for it either. I will help a person get Linux running and to find apps that will do what they need to do but I won't help them with Microsoft products. I will add this. Giving someone the comfort to have Windows to fall back on in my opinion doesn't give them any reason to buckle down and learn Linux or anything else. It gives them the out to say well " this crap doesn't work, so screw it. " When it is in fact them who hasn't grasped how it works. I helped a buddy of mine on 4 seperate occasions redo his dual booted machine because the 1st three times he got pissed off and formatted everything off his machine and just put Windows back on..after the last time which was #4 I told him .. no more. I won't waste my time with this..if you want to run Windows..do it, but don't bother me with this and don't bitch at me when Windows blows up and you loose data. Which is what caused him to look at Linux in the first place because I had never experienced his level of data loss with Linux. I have no sympathy for Windows users laziness and willingness to eat what they are fed. This is just my attitude after years and years of this stuff. :) Cheers! and have a good day. -----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- Ben Rosenberg mailto:ben@whack.org -----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...