Franklin Maurer <> wrote:
On Monday 01 September 2003 10:17 pm, Thinker wrote:
< snipped >
This is what I have just done ...
1. As a user became root (su) and typed 'init 3'.
This was necessary if you were going to run sax2 to fix your second display.
-- I typed sax2 and nothing happened.
2. Logged in as root and typed 'startx'. This took me to KDE 3.1.1 3. Opened a terminal and typed 'synaptic'. 4. In synaptic I clicked on the "update List" after that was finished I
clicked on the "distribution upgrade" icon.. and then proceed.
Did it error out? or did it complete and rebuild the rpm database? If the
To find out, open synaptic and in the drop down menu that's says all
next(gnome) part errored out this should have as well, so you might have just downloaded everything without installing it. packages change it to upgradeable. If its full of choices you probably haven't upgraded anything. -- The only packages that show with the 'upgradable' filter on are tk, openssl, and k_deflt
5. Once the distro upgrade was complete, I rebooted to see if anything would change. I got the gdm at runlevel 5 but when I chose gnome as the session, it booted me to kde anyway.
Were you able to log into gnome after the ximian removal? or was this the first time you tried it?
-- I haven't been able to log into gnome since the ximain removal
6. I went back and ran synaptic again, this time choosing everything gnome (ulb) there was to install/upgrade. When executing rpm (Uvh) this install gave extra output that I have no idea what it is.
If you copy the message perhaps we'll be able to help.
What to do now? If I could find a way to make backups of my evolution and document directories to my CDR via cli .. I think I would do that and simply reinstall SuSE 8.2 at this point. Unfortunately I don't know how to make such a backup and I think this is a learning experience for me and Linux.
I've done this before as well. But you'll learn more by fixing it. If you'd rather give up and start again ...
Do you have any free space on your hard drive(non-partitioned)? If so you can make an extra partition, copy what you can (/var/cache/apt/archives , your home dir, anything you've put in /usr/local ) and just not format it when you install. Write down the starting and ending block info from yast > hardware>
To burn a data cd use k3b. I think you open a new data project and just drag
and drop what you want to burn. You'll need to run k3b setup first, if its the first time you used it.
If you want to proceed... make sure you have no kde 3.1.1 rpms left. You may be able to find them using the command James told you about when you were looking for the ximian rpms, or search through with synaptic.
-- How do I do this?
If you find some remove them.
-- How do I do this? Then use synaptic and individually select all the kde 3.1.3 packages.
Then the gnome stuff.
Try to copy any error messages ...
-- OK, thanks