Attention "Houghi" After reading your comments to others daily, that include "Do not take this as a flame", I thought I would give you my personal point of view that your comments are yes, indeed inflammatory, and do nothing to really foster giving others the kind of help they come seeking. Take a hard close look at the lengthy mailing list and you'll see for yourself how others who may not even know anything about the terminologies, find same confusing. So then I ask, if you're really feeling so helpful, if you, (and or others) know the answer to the question that others pose, why not then go ahead and give it to them, and AFTER doing so, give them a kind pointer to what YOU consider to be the proper place to pose their questions. I've been hanging around the Linux community long before graphical access was available for the web, and am one of the original 100 beta testers for Red Hat. I also follow many different Linux related newsgroups, and have seen the kind of comments you throw out by others many times. And in doing so, IMHO, your actions do nothing to foster a friendly and helpful environment for those not familiar with the operating system and do nothing to encourage or foster a transition from other operating systems. It's close to, if not comparable, to those "mightier than thou" individuals that answer a query telling others to "go look it up for themselves" as "they" had to do when they learned the operating system. All this does is give others the impression that this is some kind of "closed" community, some kind of private club, once again, IMHO. I wonder if you're the officially appointed moderator of this group. Are you? Do you speak for everyone? If so, by what authority? So, Houghi, I'll say to you, what you say to others that come here seeking help. "Do not take this as a flame" and I'm sure that you'll accept it in the same warm fuzzy manner that you expect others to do of your words.