If you are like me and are eternally "behind" because just stumbling on new things every day using your PC. This came to may attention about a newsfeed of linuxdotcom, but no need to buy it, all resources easily found on the web. So you have a PC and never use the command line fumbling through menus to get sysinfo, or do want to change the hostname of your nice machine, try to open a terminal as user and write: hostnamectl status that already is a surprising amount of info you normally do not get to see with such an ease. Want to rename your machine, a nice list of commands, well explained, you find here: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/htm... networking_guide/sec_configuring_host_names_using_hostnamectl And if someone does know if this exists already in the openSUSE documentation, feel free to post a link hereafter. Hope that was not too obvious and is not considered "offtopic", but as I regularly see people running into the "I want to rename my machine with a pretty-name but it says network is governed by network manager" etc, this command / link may come handy if somebody wants to do it. Hence this post.